Thursday, December 26, 2019

Customs and Courtesies Us Army Paper - 1518 Words

Military Customs and Courtesies There are many traditions that have been established over the long history of the military services. These many traditions can be broken into numerous customs and courtesies. A custom is a way of acting in a manner that has been continued constantly over a long period of time. It is almost like a law. A courtesy is a way of displaying good manners and politeness when dealing with other people. Military courtesy conveys respect both up and down the chain of command. One commonly recognized custom and courtesy is the military salute. The salute has been an exchange of greetings since the age of chivalry. During these ages the knights were mounted with steel armor that covered their body completely†¦show more content†¦While it is debatable whether or not rank really has an effect on instilling and teaching proper customs and courtesies, there is no doubt in the important underlying message of which customs and courtesies are based. Customs and courtesies display signs of respect not only from one ranking to another (which seems to be the major focus these days) but also as a sign of brotherhood. We do these gestures and display our respect to one another in a way that should always show our loyalty to each other. From the time we enter the service we are taught to be there for each other and to trust and respect the person next to you always even though that person can be a complete stranger. In my opinion, we have, over time, lost sight of the values our customs and courtesies are designed to teach us. Customs and courtesies help make life orderly and are a way of showing respect. Customs are regular, expected actions. They have been repeated over and over again and passed from one leader to another over many generations. Courteous actions show your concern and respect for others you work for and work with also for certain object or symbols, such as the American flag. The use of customs, courtesies, and ceremonies helps keep discipline and o rder in any military organization. Still being used today every day from the playing of Reveille toShow MoreRelatedCustoms and courtesies Essay2099 Words   |  9 Pagesï » ¿ US Army Customs and Courtesies A custom is a social norm stemming from tradition and enforced as an unwritten law. A courtesy is a respectful behavior often linked to a custom. A military courtesy is such behavior extended to a person or thing that honors them in some way. Military customs and courtesies define the profession of arms. When you display military customs and courtesies in various situations, you demonstrate to yourself and others your commitment to duty, honor, and countryRead MoreThe Importance of Flag Detail in the Military Essay911 Words   |  4 Pagessoldiers, we pledge to honor, serve, and protect the flag and the United States of America at all cost. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allan Poe Essay - 1700 Words

The one part of the dialogue that the narrator and Fortunato talk about the cask of drinks called amontillado. Through the word as amontillado is continuously repeated, the title is significant emphasized and stimulate and engage readers also as the novel use incendiary words. The cask of amontillado written by Edgar Allan Poe, father of detective story. Someone says why Edgar Allan Poe’s novel is so dark and horror story, because of background. Mother passed away and father left, it causes mental problems to Edgar Allan Poe. The novel is the greatest monody of 19th century also American novelist and critic and the novel submitted to Godey’s Lady’s book at first. The cask of amontillado genre is detective story novel and horror story also gothic fiction. Especially, the novel showed various types of symbol about gothic fiction genre, such as castle, explain the catacomb, carnival. Gothic fiction produces an atmosphere of terror as the Middle Ages background and shows frightening a horrible mentality of person. The cask of amontillado doesn’t show when the event is happened correctly but the novel’s setting is a carnival season in one city of Italia. The story begins with the narrator as well as main character describing background about determining revenge on his friend, Fortunato who ignore and abuse the narrator in other words, but not detail. The part allows readers to imagine the stories in their heads. To cut a long story short, the novel story line is the process ofShow MoreRelatedThe Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe888 Words   |  4 PagesThe Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe In ?The Cask of Amontillado?, Edgar Allan Poe takes us on a trip into the mind of a mad man. Poe uses certain elements to convey an emotional impact. He utilizes irony, descriptive detail of setting, and dark character traits to create the search of sinful deceit. Poe also uses first person, where the narrator is the protagonist who is deeply involved. The purpose is to get the reader to no longer be the observer. He wants them to see with MontressorRead MoreThe Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe836 Words   |  3 Pagesqualities in the story. In the story many things are used as symbols such as the actual cask of amontillado, the trowel, the jester costume and the setting in which there is two in the story. Another literary technique used significantly in the story is irony. Irony is the expression of ones meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite. In the short story â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado,† Montresor a very troubled man who plans to seek revenge on another man named FortunatoRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe And The Cask Of Amontillado1384 Words   |  6 PagesWhat makes Edgar Allan Poe work unique? Other than being a strange individual, Poe has become a remarkable literature writer. The Raven, Annabel Lee, and The Cask of Amontillado are just a few of Poe’s work that staples the theme of gothic literature. This essay will allow you to see the gothic elements Edgar Allan Poe uses through his most common poems. Gothic literature has many elements which play into its definition. The actual definition is a style of writing that is characterized by elementsRead MoreThe Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allan Poe906 Words   |  4 Pages â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† was written in 1846, by Edgar Allan Poe. Born in 1809, Poe never knew any of his parents. At the age of three, his mother died of tuberculosis, and his father deserted the family before he was born. Taking care of him was his foster parents in Richmond, Virginia. They loved Poe, but were not supportive of his decisions and kept Poe poor. Having debt and not being able to provide food and clothes for himself caused Poe to quit school. Later, heRead MoreThe Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allan Poe920 Words   |  4 Pageswhen that trust no longer exists? In â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† written by Edgar Allan Poe, Fortunato is about to find the answer to this question. On the surface, Montresor seems friendly with Fortunato, but deep down he feels nothing but hate for him. Could this hatred have an irrationality that only Montresor understands? In different ways, both of these men are proud and affluent, yet both have downfalls that will l ead to a tragic ending. Edgar Allan Poe’s use of language contributes to the understandingRead MoreThe Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allan Poe1555 Words   |  7 PagesIn his writing, Edgar Allan Poe has multiple uses of direct and indirect characterization. In The Cask of Amontillado, Montresor had rules such as â€Å"I must not only punish but punish with impunity. A wrong is unredressed when retribution overtakes its redresser. It is equally unredressed when the avenger fails to make himself felt as such to him who has done the wrong† (Poe, 2). Poe used indirect characterization to show the reader that Montresor is an unreliable narrator because he justified hisRead MoreThe Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allan Poe1303 Words   |  6 PagesIn Edgar Allan Poe’s â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado,† the narrator recalls an extremely significant time in his life, and takes the reader along with him. Throughout the story, one experiences a perfectly planned murder which took place over fifty years ago, and still no one has discovered what truly happened to poor Fortunato as he was chained to a wall in a room that was then closed off, and torched to death due to all the nitre in the walls. As the story goes on, the reader can see some of Poe’s unfortunateRead MoreThe Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allan Poe1076 Words   |  5 PagesThe short story, The Cask of Amontillado, written by Edgar Allan Poe is a story of terror and betrayal. Like many of Poe’s literary works, the story has a dark undertone with a theme of terror and depression. More than half a century ago, Marshall McLuhan argued that though Poe was fascinated by evil, the evil that he had in mind was not that of Calvinism, but that of the split man and the split civilization. In general, McLuhan was right, but in this instance Calvinism, and its God, provided a darkRead MoreThe Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allan Poe707 Words   |  3 PagesIn the short story of The Ca sk of Amontillado, Edgar Allan Poe writes in first person point of view from the perspective of Montresor who seeks revenge against Fortunato. Montresor began to develop the perfect plan for revenge. During the carnival season, Montresor meets with Fortunato and decides to implement his plan carefully through irony. Poe s story describes the murderer s mind which has lived as a memory of Fortunato s death for fifty years. Poe uses different types of irony and symbolismRead MoreThe Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allan Poe985 Words   |  4 PagesEdgar Allen Poe is a well known author of short stories and poetry from the 19th century. He is known especially for his stories of horror and suspense. The Cask of Amontillado is one of his more famous pieces. The story follows the narrator, Montresor, as he exacts revenge on Fortunato. Montressor draws Fortunato into the wine cellar where eventually he chains Fortunato to the wall and encloses him inside it. Throughout the story the narrator continually proves that he is not the most reliable source

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

History Essay for Intelligence Team of America - MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theHistory Essay for Intelligence Team of America. Answer: Introduction The attack on Pearl Harbor has kept many Americans in wonder as they were not warned and they could not even detect or predict the act before it had already occurred. Even many scholars have wondered that how the Pacific Fleet on America could happen without any prediction. The joint congressional committee had investigated the attack while putting the question in a sharp manner that even if there were finest intelligence teams available in the American history who could gain knowledge of any war in the contemporary times, it could not contemplate regarding the Pearl Harbor attack that had been executed by Japan on a December morning in the year 1941 (Prange, Goldstein and Dillon 2014). This surprise attack at the Pearl Harbor had taken more than two thousand lives of American and damaged around twenty one ships with the US Pacific fleet. As the nation was stunned with the attack and could do nothing but mourned at its losses, many demanded to know why the country was underprepared o r entirely unprepared for the attack (Feis 2015). There were numbers of rumors that kept on circulating, although no one provided an infallible answer to the question. This report will try to explore the answer from the American context. Discussion The Intelligence Team of America The best form of intelligence is like a hostile power. America had the best intelligence team even though it could not break the Japanese code. The primary job of the intelligence team of any country is to solve the secret messages of the other countries or the enemy countries. This is like putting a mirror behind the cards of the player. Historically the effort of the intelligence team has been considered the trustworthy and faster than the spies who are to transmit their messages through various means to the home country however, the spies have already been suspected due to failing in their effort or of dishonesty (Hayashi 2014). Spying generally views the future occurrences from an aerial investigation and detects the future from the present scenario. However, solving the underground messages of the enemy countries has a broader scope than spying or interrogating the prisoners who mostly know way less than they are initially expected from them. Moreover this procedure is also chea per and has less conspicuous and it is also an underground method within the country. However from the historical evidences it can be indicated that the code breaking process also has the chances of failure (Pape 2014). The code breaking system could not catch or provide the messages that have not been put through the airwaves and the process being apparently omniscience tends to portray the fact that the other countries are already getting the messages. From the Pearl Harbor incidence the American Intelligence Team has gained an insight to the entire code breaking system from the Pearl Harbor attack that even the finest intelligence team of the country could not break the secret codes of Japan and was unable to notify the country regarding the secret intention of Japan. The importance of code breaking has been noticed during World War I, where the usage of radio machines met this code breaking complexity for the first time. However the navy and army had sent strong ciphers and codes, but the codes were encrypted easily and the mathematicians and linguists could break those as they had already learnt the cryptanalysis (Asada 2013). This code analysis has helped various countries at the time of war; for instance it had significantly helped France in blocking the extreme German power. The United States had targeted Japan from the time of World War I. Before the war Japan had defeated China and Russia and became the most influential power in the western Pacific. Therefore it had targeted the United States while it had occupied the islands and put a serious threat on the ocean routes to Philippines (Morgenstern 2017). The US Army could feel that Japan has formed a serious threat to the country, however they could not realize or warn the danger that was about to come to the country. However US Army had set up a conjoint department named the Cipher Bureau in the year 1919 under the leadership of Herbert O. Yardley who was the head of the code breaking department of the military intelligence of the US Army in World War I. The Cipher Bureau was working with the all the rudimentary knowledge regarding the Japanese Army and it was successful in cracking the diplomatic codes of Japan. A bewhiskered follower of the organization was able to crack the messages into English an d informed the American representatives before the Washington naval disarmament conference regarding the positioning of Japan on the capital ships (Wirtz 2017). Therefore the American representatives were able to push Japan on that issue. The US Army did not have the code breaking unit throughout however after hiring Agnes Meyer Driscoll was the code analyst was a significant step for the US Army. Soon she has been proved to be an exceptional cryptanalyst. She had mostly broken all the Japanese codes into English and showed her aptitude in both the language learning and in code breaking . Even though there were a lot of issues with the language and the machine could not break all the Japanese word, yet the code breaking system of the US Army had improved with the course of time. The Purple Problem By the year 1937, the encrypted messages and the solutions of the overseas messages started going to the President of the country. Soon the messages have noticed the potential adherence of the Japan- German Anti Comintern Pact in the year 1937 and it was reported to the American representatives and the diplomats. Therefore the issue was also solved with the cryptanalysts. However in the next year the code braking unit of America had replaced the older machines with the newer ones and within 1939, three new messages were broken, however the messages for the next few months started disappearing (McDermott and Bar-Joseph 2016). The significant messages of Japan have started being unreadable; therefore it faced a severe loss for the paramount intelligence of the nation. Furthermore facing this loss the intelligence team concentrated more on solving the new machine, where the higher diplomats exercised the allover supervision himself. The new code was called Purple also due to its fit to the profound mystery of the Japanese codes. Due to the purple problem the United Stated had employed more cryptanalysts and provided the best intelligence team in solving the issue (Dockrill 2016). After a long analysis and the code could be analyzed and contrasting to that the purple messages were solved and the US army could concentrate on breaking the other codes. However, the US intelligence could not encrypt the messages before December 7, when the attack on Pearl Harbor actually took place. The Conspiracy Theories Even though there are several conspiracy theories regarding the attack on Pearl Harbor, but according to the intelligence team the messages did not provide any message regarding the surprise attack. Several researchers have suggested that there were several messages that dealt with the ship movements out and in the Pearl Harbor; therefore it should have prepared the US military about an approaching attack, however the cryptanalysts had suggested that similar messages were also being transmitted to Philippines, Seattle, San Francisco and the Panama Canal (Sarmiento 2017). However the US intelligence did not put much significance to those messages and did not consider those to be an indication of the approaching attack. The authorities had considered it to be the mere evidence of the abbreviated communications. Several other studies and researchers also suggest that the messages were already intercepted before the Pearl Harbor attack yet it was not solved. However the conspiracy theori es debate an entire different thing regarding the attack on Pearl Harbor. It has been claimed that the US Government officials have the knowledge of the attack in advance yet it was not revealed. Several other studies have also claimed that the British and the US governments have known the attack and the British Government have informed the US government but it was claimed that the US government might have let the attack happen and encouraged the attack for enforcing the US military into the World War II (Powaski 2017). However the conspiracy theory has been considered as the fringe theory but several historians have rejected the idea. However the conspiracy theory states that as the US intelligence team has improved impressively within the year 1941 and it had already intercepted several other messages and performed an incredible job in shutting down other attacks yet it could not break this code. Several researchers consider this to be an unreasonable idea. By the end of the 1941 the intelligence team of US already broken the other Japanese ciphers and even it had intercepted the highest diplomatic code with higher security yet it could not break the code. In the conspiracy theory, few researchers find the diplomatic political context where the attack has been considered as a back door to war (Kass and Phillip 2014). The theorists have suggested this view challenging the conventional theory of considering the Pearl Harbor attack to be a surprise one and indicated that Roosevelt primarily wanted the United States to join the war against Germany. However it was never stated officially. The famous novelist and histo rian Thomas Fleming had argued that President Roosevelt had wished to join the war and for that reason he wanted Japan or Germany to blow the strike at the first place (Hess 2014). Furthermore after the attack on Pearl Harbor the public anger of the United States would be expressed to Japan. Nonetheless on another note while Hitler had declared war, it had brought the United States into the war of Europe as they were unforced by treaty. This attack was also described by the sitting duck theory which stated that the British government along with the Roosevelt government wanted America to intervene into the European conflict; therefore they had deliberately let the Pearl Harbor attack to take place and made it successful while apparently it was considered to a surprise one. The sole intention behind the attack was to take the United States into the European conflict. Several historians also claim the attack to be a preplanned one from the signal intelligence context. Considering this context, the historians have made five claims. In the first place they had claimed that as the US administration intercepted the purple code by the end of 1941; they could guess the Japanese aggression. Therefore the purple code had sufficed the US administration with particular clues which indicated that the attack is being planned on the Pearl Harbor (Reyes 2015). In addition to that the Japanese fleet code JN 25 had also been intercepted, therefore it was known that there was a force which was being sent against the United States (Ford 2015). The government had also taken effectual steps that could hinder the Japanese force in Hawaii. However, the next claim also indicated that the Kido Butai or the Japanese task force was detected travelling towards Hawaii but there was nothing that could be done with it. However, several historian state that there is no fundame ntal base of the conspiracy theory, whereas it could be proved that the US military and the administration did their part to detect the Japanese force yet there was not much time left while something could be done to stop the attack on Pearl Harbor. Conclusion In conclusion, it can be said that Pearl Harbor to be a conspiracy and a preplanned attack could not be proved, however it can be indicated that the finest intelligence of the US team had decoded the message, however they could be quick enough to prevent the attack on them. Many indicate that the intelligent team was fine however it was not fine enough to understand the Japanese code languages. Japan had effectively closed all the doors that could help the United States to gather information regarding their intentions. Therefore the Pearl Harbor attack can be considered as the intelligence failure and this could be the fundamental reason that the American were not aware of the possible attack beforehand. Reference List and Bibliography Asada, S., 2013.From Mahan to Pearl Harbor: The Imperial Japanese Navy and the United States. Naval Institute Press. Dockrill, S. ed., 2016.From Pearl Harbor to Hiroshima: The Second World War in Asia and the Pacific, 194145. Springer. Feis, H., 2015.China Tangle: The American Effort in China from Pearl Harbor to the Marshall Mission. Princeton University Press. Ford, D., 2015. A Statement of Hopes? The effectiveness of US and British naval war plans against Japan, 19201941.The Mariner's Mirror,101(1), pp.63-80. Hayashi, B.M., 2014. Kilsoo Haan, American Intelligence, and the Anticipated Japanese Invasion of California, 19311943.Pacific Historical Review,83(2), pp.277-293. Hess, G.R., 2014.The United States at War, 1941-1945. John Wiley Sons. Kass, L. and Phillip, J., 2014. Surprise, Deception, Denial and Warning: Strategic Imperatives.Orbis,57(1), pp.59-82. McDermott, R. and Bar-Joseph, U., 2016. Pearl Harbor and Midway: the decisive influence of two men on the outcomes.Intelligence and National Security,31(7), pp.949-962. Morgenstern, G., 2017.Pearl Harbor: The story of the secret war. Pickle Partners Publishing. Pape, R.A., 2014.Bombing to win: Air power and coercion in war. Cornell University Press. Pastorello, M. and Testa, M., 2017. Intelligence failures: between theories and case studies.SICUREZZA, TERRORISMO E SOCIET, p.49. Powaski, R.E., 2017. Franklin D. Roosevelt, the State Department, and the Navy: US Policy Toward Japan, 19371941. InAmerican Presidential Statecraft(pp. 169-218). Springer International Publishing. Prange, G., Goldstein, D.M. and Dillon, K.V., 2014.December 7, 1941: the day the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. Open Road Media. Reyes, M.B., 2015.Waking The Sleeping Giant At Pearl Harbor: A Case For Intelligence And Operations Fusion. Pickle Partners Publishing. Sarmiento, K., 2017.Events That Changed the Course of History: The Story of the Attack on Pearl Harbor 75 Years Later. Atlantic Publishing Company. Wirtz, J.J., 2017. The Cyber Pearl Harbor.Intelligence and National Security, pp.1-10. Zaromb, F., Butler, A.C., Agarwal, P.K. and Roediger, H.L., 2014. Collective memories of three wars in United States history in younger and older adults.Memory cognition,42(3), pp.383-399.

Monday, December 2, 2019


The various transportation forms or networks which man has created do play a significant role in our lives. Apart from them being very useful in mobility-related purposes, these channels also have a direct impact on our normal lives, based on a number of aspects. For example, some of these aspects are complex issues whose great impact has constantly affected human life socially, economically and ecologically.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Issue-based Analysis of a Specific Transportation Mode specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Various modes of transportation usually come along with different significant impacts and effects to both humans and the environment. This paper examines ‘the car’ as a common mode of transportation in the contemporary world, whereby the benefits and effects arising from this mode of transport are clearly identified and analyzed. The car, which is seen by many as the most prefe rable mode of transportation today, comes with many impacts to the human society and the environment (Litman 54). This mode of transportation, which involves all kind of automobiles, plays a fundamental role to the modern society. People all over the world have found it more easy and convenient to transport goods, access services, and to conduct business, among other key activities in life, through this common form of transport. The use of automobiles as a mode of transportation provides numerous economic, social and environmental benefits. One social and economic benefit of this mode of transportation is that, there is a constant increase in equity among people of low income, especially through car sharing networks, which are popular in some countries, such as Canada (Forkenbrock 18). Transportation is necessary in the contemporary world in ensuring that there is vibrant communication and interaction between people, thus paving way for effective functioning of communities. Among ot her modern forms of transportation, cars have been in the front line in helping people meet these significant requirements of life. This mode of transport has been viewed by many as a convenient medium which is not only affordable, but also efficient and reliable in many ways. In that case, community members from different segments of the society have found cars to be a reliable form of transportation, which they could rely upon, in meeting their mobility needs.Advertising Looking for essay on transportation? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More However, apart from the freedom and flexibility provided by this sustainable mode of transportation, there are also many health costs and environmental impacts. While cars present immense benefits upon the modern society, they are also known to bring serious effects to the environment, through a number of ways. For one, automobiles are no doubt the biggest causative agent of the issue of ai r pollution, which has continued to pose serious effects to the current global population. Emission of carbon and other harmful gases through burning of fuels has exceeded manageable levels presently, as the number of cars continue to rise. (Schikowski 152). Car transportation is arguably the biggest producer of green house gases, which have played a significant part in necessitating the issue of global warming. Excess accumulation of these gases in the earth’s atmosphere has reached hazardous levels, and this has completely changed the world’s weather and climatic conditions. Car exhausts also do emit small particles and impurities which pollute the air, and this is likely to pose serious threats to human health, thus increasing health costs. Another way by which cars spoil the environment is through runoff of toxic liquids such as oil and gasoline. Obviously, most of these waste products usually end up in natural water ways and reservoirs, thus posing serious risks a nd threats to humans and aquatic life. Car transportation mode entails a lot of infrastructure which normally requires expansive spacing. In this regard, there is always a possibility of habitat degradation or destruction, to pave way for these infrastructures, and this presents great harm to the environment. Apart the above ways, which tend to cause physical harm to the environment, cars also do create a lot of noise, and this is another problem that could bear serious impacts to the general environment. The overall effects and impacts associated with this mode of transportation have raised much concern of late, thus necessitating the implementation of new strategies aimed at reducing the demand of cars and transportation in the world. As it is observable from this analysis, the progressive use of cars as the most preferred mode of transportation has brought complex issues to the general human population. Automobiles have many outstanding benefits as a sustainable mode of transport , but the costs associated with their operation are immense and almost unbearable to many people in the world. For instance, health costs have increased abundantly over the last few years, as a result of the harmful effects of contaminated air and wasted environment, due to exhaust emissions and other toxic disposals from the automobiles. The worldwide efforts to control and slow down the rate of impact caused by cars to both humans and the environment have brought many consequences on location, provision and demand of this mode of transportation. In response to this call of action against further environmental pollution, some countries have come up with strategies aimed at minimizing the demand and usage of car transportation.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Issue-based Analysis of a Specific Transportation Mode specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More One way through which this has been achieved is by bringing useful resources much closer to the people, to discourage them from using car transportation whenever they need to access them. Some countries have also tried to adopt the concept of walking, by closing routes leading to automobiles and installing sidewalks, to encourage non-motorized mode of transportation (Alvord 24). From just another perspective, modern environmental regulations and rules in some countries are drafted with the focus of controlling emission of waste products from automobiles. In this respect, automobiles having heavy exhaust emissions are barred from operating in those regions where statutory regulations on environmental aspects have been taken seriously. Also, as a result of these regulations, ownership of cars is highly limited in some places. All these interventions have seriously affected the location, provision and demand of cars as a sustainable mode of transportation in the contemporary world. Works Cited Alvord, Katie. Divorce your Car: Ending the love affair wi th the automobile, United Kingdom: New Society Publishers, 2000. Print. Forkenbrock, David. Assessing the social and economic effects of transportation projects, New York: National Academy Press, Print. Litman, Todd. Issues in Sustainable Transportation, Victoria BC: Victoria Transport Policy Institute, 2005. Print. Schikowski, Tamara. â€Å"Long-term air pollution exposure and living close to busy roads are associated with COPD in women.† Respir Res 6. 1 (2005): 152. Print.Advertising Looking for essay on transportation? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This essay on Issue-based Analysis of a Specific Transportation Mode was written and submitted by user Harper Riggs to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Columbian Exchange Facts Essay Example

Columbian Exchange Facts Essay Example Columbian Exchange Facts Essay Columbian Exchange Facts Essay The Effects the Trade for New World Goods on Indigenous Relationships The European notion that the Americas had an overflow of untapped treasures and new world goods drove the development of labor in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The new world products were inclusive of commodities that had their origin from the Americas as the only source. These goods that were only found in the Americas were the cause of movements across the Atlantic Ocean by people from Eurasia and Africa. These new world products included maize, potatoes, cinchona tree (malaria therapy), tobacco, cacao, peanuts, sunflower, animals, slaves and of course diseases such as Syphilis. The motive to acquire these products led to the development of the Columbia exchange that apart from itself requiring much labor was a means of forcefully and cheaply acquiring much needed human labor from other accessible parts of the world like Africa. The resource-angry Europeans were short of labor to carry on with their quest for amassing the new world goods and therefore granted the America n natives the right to own both domestic and imported energy; a right popularly known those days as encomiendas. Bumpy rewards were in store for individuals who enabled high performances through their laborers. Columbian Exchange Effects Of all the good exchanged between the Americas and the other parts of the world, sugar was the most valuable, akin to the current worlds oil value. European conflicts arose in the struggle to establish and control sugar plantation in the Americas best sugar plantation regions. Tobacco also stood out to have great importance in this trade in the new world, where it was rather smoked a compared to the Americans use for medicinal and ritualistic purposes. Also of great value in the new world was cacao that was used to produce chocolate. Chocolate drinks known as xocolati was a ceremonial beverage among the Mesoamerican Indians and was used during marriages. This use, however, did not sink well with the Spaniards who viewed it as vile and named it the devils vomit; Apart from the crops, animals were also traded as new world goods. For instance, Christopher Columbus brought cows, pigs, horses and chicken to the Caribbean Islands on his second voyage. The new world animals also included sn akes and sloths that appeared bizarre to the Europeans. (Bresnahan; Gordon, 1997) Microbes were also unconsciously exchanged since they were small insignificant creatures with devastation effects on humans. Examples of infections that were acquired from the bacteria included smallpox, measles, and chickenpox. There was also the exchange of sexually transmitted infections (STI;s) like syphilis amongst the traders.; The labor offered under this kind of relationship was a rather full of slavery practice and was forceful to the natives. This exploitation could be seen in the bargaining tool of the conquest rulers who exposed the laborers to Catholicism instead. Being in such an exploitative kind of a relationship the American natives opted to exploit their rights and resist the colonialists rule and roles in the new world trade. Instead, they inclined to their old beliefs and systems instead of the early adopting Catholicism. Others were however adapted to portions of the new belief that had some sense and appeal in them. Effects of the Columbian Exchange The import of forced labor from other parts of the world in the context of the Columbian exchange came with violence especially brutality from the Spanish rulers. One Dominican friar named Las Casas had previously owned Indian slaves in the Americas. After witnessing the brutality that the encomenderos implicated on the natives he gave it up and sharply differed with other recipients of the encomiendas. Later in 1515 he started advocating for the kind regard and handling of the native laborers and slaves that led to the establishment of New Laws that were aimed at ending slavery and the encomiendas system.(Brands, Breen, Williams, Gross, 2016.) Although mostly discussed, Indians were not the only forced labor victims in the Americas. Africans also were victims of forced labor to the European rulers and were utilized in the production of tobacco, sugar and other cash crops for sale in the European markets. To justify the integration of Africans into enslavement, the Europeans viewed the as non-Christians and as a consequence, were completely and brutally denied the control of their lives. Any attempt of resistance to the forced labor and slavery was met with physical, mental and sexual violence from the Europeans; as a method to assert their status as master and superior. More involved in the trade for slave laborers across the Atlantic into the Americas were the Portuguese. The Portuguese had slave holder pens on the west coast of Africa like Ghanas Elmina Castle, after which the captured slaves were sold to the Spanish, English, and Dutch colonial inhabitants in the Americas to assist in the production of sugar for export. In the sugarcane plantation farms, the laborers could manually harvest and process large masses of sugarcane. The labor intensive methods involved in the production of sugar and the recycling of their byproducts into molasses was very dangerous to the unprotected manual laborers. According to Las Casas, by the year 1550, there were about fifty thousand enslaved workers in the Hispaniola owners section of the Americas. He recounts that this was the largest tragedy yet in the New Atlantic World. (New Worlds in the Americas: Labor, Commerce, and the Columbian Exchange | US History I (OS Collection), 2016) Columbian Exchange Impact Effects of Labor Trade on the Indigenous Relations The transactions between the new world and the old world had various effects on the existing indigenous relationships. Previously before these developments there existed a deep connection to the indigenous people and their geographical territories, cultural and spiritual beliefs and aesthetical connections. Encroachment of colonial rulers and the Europeans into the Americas for New world goods could have caused an imbalance in the much-treasured coexistence of the American inhabitants. Spiritually, the Europeans forcefully introduced to the Americas the new practice of Catholicism against their wish to practice their belief. This new idea is viewed to have diluted the local spiritual relationships as other natives resorted to either fully adopting the new faith or adopting the practices of the new religion that suited them most. The crops and foods that were initially viewed by the local natives as of aesthetic and therapeutic value were later abused and new uses adopted due to these interactions. An example is the use of tobacco that was initially for medicinal purposes until the Europeans made a health-deteriorating smoking habit out of it. The import and use of forceful labor and slavery in the farms and crops plantations was against the cultural belief of the natives. This engagement and the encomiendas system introduced a concept of brutality, slavery, violence and greed for resources by to against the unifying indigenous culture in the Americas. The regard for human rights and values were also corroded due to the occurrence of such incidences within the transaction zones. Sacred beliefs by the natives were also mutilated by the engagement of the colonial traders in sexual and psychological violence. Columbian Exchange Significance The export of the locally produced crops and animals also led to the loss of their aesthetic value that comes with ownership and are viewed as a value of wealth. The import and export of labor from within the exchange led to the exchange of previously non-existent infections and diseases in both camps. The acquisition of measles, chickenpox, and smallpox are a direct consequence of the purchase of slaves used as laborers from the various parts of the world. The export and import activities were also of the positive effect the indigenous people. For instance, the Americas learned better ways of land use and discovered new and essential products from the old word. The new world goods were also further explored to identify better and more appropriate uses to the American inhabitants. It evident that at the first instance, the effects associated with the trade for new world goods and labor was grave and unbearable to the indigenous people. However, the effects waned over time and a multicultural, advanced and harmonious society developed within the Americas in the long run. The world also became more open to commodities and this market the beginning of a long standing trade revolution that has generally benefited worlds economy. References Brands, H., Breen, T., Williams, R., Gross, A. American Stories. New Worlds in the Americas: Labor, Commerce, and the Columbian Exchange | US History I (OS Collection). (2016). Retrieved 22 October 2016, from Bresnahan, T. Gordon, R. (1997).The economics of new goods. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Role of Women in My Antonia Essay Example

Role of Women in My Antonia Essay Example Role of Women in My Antonia Paper Role of Women in My Antonia Paper Essay Topic: Literature In Willa Cathers novel, My Antonia, there is a distinct difference in the roles of women. One sees the female characters taking on not so feminine roles by working in the fields or playing in the dust and dirt with boys. We also get to see a great independence for women as they get jobs and raise families. Willa Cather could very well have been a blossoming feminist in her time since she crumbled the stereotypes of women and boldly placed them in positions of power. She made not only the main female character of this book, Antonia, but all of the women reject society rules and have the confidence to make their own decisions about what to do with their lives. Willa Cathers novel really escapes from the societal norm of women at the time and replaces it with female characters unbound by stereotypes. Running a business, unheard of for women at that time, yet Cather has one of her characters, Lena Lingard, practice dress making. She eventually gets a job and starts selling what she makes. This eventually leads to her running her own store and having a well-respected place in society. It is worth noticing that Cather doesnt put her in the position of struggling to keep her business going but as being successful and happy. It seemed to me wonderful that she should have got on so well in the world (Cather, 171). Cather also included several other characters that embodied a strong independent woman like Mrs. Gardener. It was Mrs. Gardener who ran the business and looked after everything. Her husband stood at the desk and welcomed incoming travelers. He was a popular fellow, but no manager (Cather, 117). With Mrs. Gardener she had her running the business and the husband doing all the petty work, effectively switching gender roles. Lastly she writes a couple pages on what happened with Tiny Soderball, who went up north during the gold rush and ran a hotel-like business from there. There she sometimes fed a hundred and fifty people a day. Miners came in on snowshoes from their placer claims 20 miles away to by fresh bread from her, and paid for it in gold (Cather, 193). We also see a swap in gender roles here where all of these men are depending on a woman instead of the other way around. Cather really breaks women free of stereotypical bonds and has them makes their own independent choices. Miss Cather, I think, in this book has taken herself out of the rank of provincial writers and given us something we can fairly class with modern literary feminism (Bloom, 5). Country women in the novel were not confined to staying inside and caring for the children while making dinner. Antonia is the perfect example of this because, early on, we see that she is a lively young girl whose youth is not yet affected by the social norms of that time. Antonia had opinions about everything, and she was soon able to make them known (Cather, 22). When her father died she had to take up labor in the fields to help her family survive. She didnt complain about it like Ambrosch did, it seemed very much like Ambrosch did very little work and just spent his time bossing her around. Ambrousch hired his sister out like a man, and she went from farm to farm, binding sheaves or working with the threshers. (Cather, 95). Throughout the novel, Antonia was probably the one who did the most work out of anyone. In the end when Jim returns to meet her we find out that she is still working even after she has born numerous children. Though Antonia seems old and worn shes still the happy, energetic kid Jim remembers from his childhood. Antonia had not lost the fire in her life. Her skin, so brown and hardened, had not that look of flabbiness, as if the sap beneath it had been secretly drawn away. (Cather, 217). Cather had her be the vision of a woman who could still be proud even after a life of hardship. Cathers use of the daughters being the main lifeline for families switches the roles between them and the sons (Bloom, 17). Bloom brings up a very good point in that the families often relied on their daughters for support rather than their sons. Frances was the oldest daughter of the Harlings. Frances, was a very important person in our world. She was her fathers chief clerk, and virtually managed his Black Hawk office during his frequent absences (Cather, 97). Antonia was the Shimerdas communicator for the outside world and she also worked in the fields to support her family when her father died. When Lena, Tiny and Antonia went to Black Hawk for work they always sent the money back to their families, keeping only enough to get by for themselves. Antonia seemed fine with this and often bragged how much ploughing she had done that day. (Cather, 118). So, where were the boys while the females labored tirelessly? They were almost never out in the fields working, they were just in school. Other farmers greatly approved of women working to support their family and saw nothing unusual with women doing a mans job. The farmers liked her and were kind to her, said they would rather have her for a hand than Ambrousch (Cather, 95). Women could do more than just stay inside and cook, they could do hard labor and have jobs just like any man could. Willa Cather portrayed all of her women characters as strong roles models ready to combat whatever came their way. They could run business, work on the farm and raise a family all by themselves. These women were not affected by societys beliefs, stereotypes bounced off them as they went on their way, being just as capable as men. They were independent and could lead their own lives. Cathers novel helps pave the way for women equality everywhere. (Bloom, 2).

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Recycling as an alternate form of energy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Recycling as an alternate form of energy - Essay Example Japan has already drawn up the sunlight plan, the main focus of which was solar energy that produced around 130,000 kilowatts of electricity. Nuclear Energy: Thermonuclear plants utilize Hydrogen2 (Deuterium) and 3 (Tritium) for its reactions, Hydrogen 2 is obtained from sea. Hydrogen is obtained form lithium, which is obtained from recycled batteries. The reaction between hydrogen 2 and 3 leads to production of Helium atom and neutron. This reaction is an exothermic reaction, thus releasing large amount of energy in the reactors. This reaction is known as Nuclear Fusion (The energy Story). It forms the basic reaction if power plants. Nuclear energy has its own share of advantages and disadvantages. It is cheaper, produced massive amount of energy and the raw material of which is easily available. But the most important challenge in the existing world of nuclear power is to get rid of the nuclear waste. Why is Recycling Important Recycling is not only required to protect the resources, but it will be more significant since it will lay in big way to reduce the natural resources pressure. Recycling is significant since it saves: 1. Raw Materials: Recycling will lead to the reduction in the need for raw materials such as metals, forests and oil and thus leading to reduction of impact on the environment. The level of our consumption in the UK is already having a significant impact on the environment and communities across the world, and alarmingly, UK is consuming an increasing quantity of raw materials. 2. Reduces our impact on climate change: Even though recycling uses energy but it also reduces the climate emissions and it is reported that recycling a material also uses less energy that manufacturing the virgin materials. A recent study done for the Government by the consultants ERM, and a study carried out for the government-funded Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP). This study reported that the relative greenhouse gas savings in UK is from recycling for paper/cardboard, glass, plastics, aluminum and steel. 3. Generates Cash: After collection, the recycled materials is separated and blended at materials recycling facilities and then sent to reprocessors such as paper mills, glass factories or plastic recyclable. Here the waste is